

Mangar and Pali Schools:

Mangar is a small collection of huts, a village that has risen on the edges of the stone quarry factories where workers from the quarries build their simple mud huts. Some of the workers have been in the area for as long as twenty years while others came from as far a field as Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and even Orissa, in search of work.

It is not only the people in this are that the mining has impacted - the landscape has been entirely stripped. These areas have been stripped of all vegetation and trees and scrub that previously may have provided food, shelter and fuel were replaced by bare land incapable of holding water or supporting any life at all.

Mangar : BMM has built a single room to serve as the schoolroom and an attachment that serves as the living and sleeping quarters for the teacher, Deepak Tiwari. The class has to accommodate 30 to 35 students from 8 in the morning until 2 in the afternoon six days a week. They learn basic literacy and numeracy skills in Hindi, a small amount of English and some history and Sanskrit. At least a third of the children attend school with a younger sibling that they are required to take care of.

Pali : Situated near Pali, a teacher has been appointed who teaches between 25 and thirty children six days a week. The curriculum is the same as Mangar but as yet no schoolroom has been constructed and the children do their lessons under a tree near their makeshift homes.